Nice store on the edge of town, huge hot box and barbeque. Backed up to front door, which does have a ramp to the entry way. An employee meet me outside and asked what I was doing with a very demeaning attitude. I said I was parking and employee asked if I was stupid and why would I park over the ramp. After looking behind my car I did park over the ramp, however there is not one piece of the parking lot marked at this establishment. I told the employee to come back and talk to me after the parking spots were painted.
Reported to the Oklahoma Tax Commission for failing to accept the OK Tax Commission 100% Disabled Veterans Sales Tax Exemption Card. They said they don't recognize it, even though state law mandates every business accept it. Per the Ok Tax Commission Website: With the passage of SB1084, effective August 25, 2006, vendors are now required to accept the Veterans Exemption Card.
It's wonderful to be a combat wounded and medically retired Veteran receiving a Lawfully State Mandated exemption, with proper and valid proof, and a business basically say nope, screw Veterans, we don't accept this.