Icon of the Seas Casino Offers- Update
We are so excited about Icon of the Seas and this new game-changing class. The sail dates recently dropped with cruises starting in January of 2024. Because the sailings are farther out than the casino comping window, there are no casino offers yet. So we have two options:
Option 1: Wait and See
Players can either wait until we are in that comping window to see casino offers, which is typically 12 months (Anticipate seeing casino offers around January of 2023). The risk of waiting is that there is a chance that those first sailings will be sold out or there will be limited availability.
Option 2: Book under Casino Rate, then try for a comp
The other option is to book your sailing now through URComped at a casino rate, which is a small discount from the retail cost of the sailing. Then, as the casino offers are released as we get closer to your sail date, we can "rebook" you with the offer you qualify for. Keep in mind, to apply a casino offer your reservation will have to be rebooked at whatever the rate is at the time of booking. If the retail price of the cruise increases when we are applying a casino offer to your booking, then the net price may end up being higher, even with the casino discount. For example, if URComped books you today at a $2000 rate, then the rate jumps to $4000 by the time you receive a $1000 off discount casino offer your cruise would be "rebooked" at the $4000 rate to apply the $1000 discount, which results in a $3000 net rate.