Integrity... that is what is lacking here. It's not that mistakes are made, it's how they are handled after the fact. Our service was decent and the food was fine, not great, but not poor. It was that a full glass of wine was knocked over and broken, of which 90 percent landed in my lap, on my blouse, my shoes, and in my purse by our waiter. At first he was mortified... and promised everything would be taken care of. My white jeans were covered in red wine as was most everything else. When he came back, he said that they would cover our dinner. I assumed. .. and that's where I went wrong... that meant our whole dinner. Nothing was said about my clothes, my shoes, or my purse. My husband and I awkwardly waited to see if the waiter would close out our dinner, but he avoided our table as he served others. Finally, we asked if we were good and he said yes... they were covering our dinner. Then we asked if they validated for parking and were told to buy a bottle of water at the ABC Store to get validation for parking. So finally... we left, making plans to find a dry cleaner... when the waiter ran us down on the street... saying they were covering dinner, but not the wine! (The wine I was wearing!) We embarrassedly followed him back into the restaurant to pay for the wine. All the while... he was saying "Everyone makes mistakes, it wasn't on purpose." True. But, to then be ridiculed by the hostess for not having a better attitude, for an outfit covered in wine, shoes stained, and a purse stained seemed a little over the top. Integrity... it's not that mistakes are made, it's how they are righted when they are made.