Jun 12 '18 at 22:46
Almost took a load up here for Walmart but noticed the lack of parking and others for almost a year or so saying the casino doesn’t allow truck drivers to park. It would have been easier on many of you had you just called them in advance or read the comments to know you can’t park there. Yes we deliver lots of stuff but that doesn’t entitled you to park anywhere. In the future call in advance, speak with security and management to confirm if you can park. You should do this for any casino ahead of time. No one owes us anything and thanks to truckers who love dropping trash and hitting stuff without admitting to it, blame them for us not being allowed to park at this casino as with other locations. Many of you guilty truckers will read this. Thanks a lot for making our jobs harder due to your neglect. Many guys park on the on/off ramps at exit for Walmart