Oct 14 '18 at 2:31
Good spot to train or have fun, but not if you're playing solely to profit. I drop in every now and then to play a quick PLO sit-n-go tourney, or some NLHE cash game (usually no more than two tables of each of these going.) If you play daily the membership might be worth it. If you came here to win money, there are a few players who will hand it to you, but it takes work just to break even due to the entrance fees for non-members, customary tips to the dealers, etc. however there is no pot rake in the traditional sense so that is definitely a plus. If you come in with a good attitude the players will accept you. Wish they played more Pot-Limit Omaha; still a fun spot all together. One thing to improve: teach your dealers to correctly calculate the max bet in a pot-limit game...it is the amount after calling the last bet and then raising that current amount in the pot including the betted amount and its call. Also...seems like they let a few verbal angle shots slide, e.g. when guys say "all-in" or "pot" they are allowed to retract their bet and fold if they want, but you're not allowed to string bet despite having too many chips to throw in one motion, and also once I bet out of turn and lost my chips but leniency was given to other players.. Also they do weird stuff like rearrange your chips without telling you while you're on break during a tourney, rounding down to the nearest new full chip size.. Benefit this place has over Vegas casinos: you can wear hats or shades whilst you play, and use your cell phone. Also, 18 and up allowed.