Jan 6 '19 at 1:08
I’m new to this place, very nice atmosphere. On my second day there I was walking around sort of just exploring the place because it was only my second day there. I sat down on one of the outside picnic tables to enjoy the upcoming race. Out of nowhere I am approached by security, the man ever so politely says that I need to prove that I payed (yes the $2) to enter the place. At this point I’m sort of upset because of what I’m being accused of but at the same time I’m like fine no problem lets go clear up any confusion. The shorter medium build security guy that had first approached me escorts me to a bigger man 6 ft 4 in around that height with a bigger build, older guy. And man let me tell you was this guy rude, he was saying “yeah you need to pay to get in” over and over again almost assuring that I snuck in and avoided to pay the $2. By then I’m getting very upset as I’m being considered a liar. But nonetheless I tell the bigger man, no problem let’s go verify with the entrance people that I payed (yes my $2 entrance fee). I figured that once everything was cleared up this bigger man would apologize or at least admit he was wrong in thinking I had snuck in, to my surprise no. He kept the same nasty attitude obviously not wanting to admit I was right and he was wrong when I kept telling him that I had in fact payed the entrance fee. His response to all of this was “ what are you doing over there? “Stay over here there’s nothing going on over there.” He was referring to a certain area of the stands that was in fact open to the public and in no way was blocked off. A small situation like this made me not want to spend money in this establishment I felt extremely offended that I was not only being considered a liar but also a crook, but what topped it off was that this bigger guy didn’t even apologize for the confusion. These guys should learn how to treat paying customers.